High-sensitive products, whether these are graphical, medical, optical, catering or computer equipment, are in safe keeping with us. We are constantly facing new challenges. Progressive technology. New networks. Stricter laws and regulations. Complicated requests. Now with almost a century of transport experience behind us, and with more than 50 of those years in precision traffic, we can take on these challenges with confidence.
Workplace Delivery
Deliveries with on site installation? With Eijgenhuijsen, everything is possible. Even if a crane or other tools are required on location to realise your delivery satisfactorily, you can rely on Eijgenhuijsen’s field expertise. We have already made many innovations in the field of precision traffic.
Our drivers provide a clear instruction to the user on the workplace, so your customer can continue immediately.
At Eijgenhuijsen Precisievervoer B.V., innovation is not the exclusive domain of our ICT department. We also like to innovate in other areas. For example, our materials are always fully up-to-date, from our fleet of vehicles to our support equipment. One particularly noteworthy innovation is a new protective cover for fragile electronic equipment, which we developed ourselves. The cover provides better protection against temperature fluctuations, which means that equipment can be installed, tested and demonstrated faster.
Also the new developed machine pallet is an example from innovation. The pallet is equipped with a loading ramp and adjustable walls, making it possible to transport machines efficient and well-protected.